Hawkins 1983, we find ourselves in a remote and peaceful American town. Twelve-year-old Will Byers, a member of a tight-knit group of four fraternal friends, disappears under mysterious circumstances. Moreover, a few kilometers from his home, something strange happens in what should appear as an ordinary power plant. Inside, in a secret laboratory, hides a shaven-headed girl with psychokinetic powers. In the meantime, the investigations into the disappearance of young Will generate confusion. The girl takes advantage of this to escape from the laboratory and, after taking refuge in a restaurant, continues her escape by stumbling upon Will's three best friends: Mike, Dustin, and Lucas. The girl, who identifies with the number eleven tattooed on her arm, forms a particular bond with Mike, who agrees to hide her in his home. The local police investigation is led by Officer Hopper. Your team will be part of his squad. You will investigate Will's disappearance and the mysteries hidden in the power plant. Eleven will be your access key to the Upside Down, so you will use her powers to counter the Demogorgon and unmask the criminal organization hiding in the power plant.
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